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Meeting for the Committee for the supervision of structural funds - organised for the Autonomous Region of Sardegna (Cagliari 27th October 2003- Sala Ex Cisapi)
National Forum for the Economic and social party - Special session on POR Sardegna - organised for the Autonomous Region of Sardegna. (Cagliari 27th October 2003 - Convento S. Giuseppe)

"The role of medicinal plants in Sardinian agriculture" National conference given by ERSAT organised for the Autonomous Region of Sardegna (Cagliari 10th October 2003 - Conference Centre Fiera Campionaria della Sardegna)

Annual General meeting of the Committee for the supervision of structural funds POR Sardinia 2003-2004 - Organised for the Autonomous Region of Sardegna (Cagliari 14th July 2003 - Via Mameli, 88/15th July 2003- Sala Ex Cisapi)